(English) concrete5 SooperFish drop down navigation

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Thanks for this cool tutorial

Its possible to add an “images” folder in the css folder in order to show te arrows for some themes of the menu.

Also, you might choose any of the 4 different css preconfigured files. All that has to be done is putting the sooperfish.css and the sooperfish-theme-xxxx.css in the css folder.

Of course, it is also possible to change some features in the sooperfish.css.

Do you have any idea of how to tweak the behaviors of the javascript animations?

Cheers anyway and give us soon a Jquery “from scratch” Navbar menu tutorial.

Happy New year!

Hi Remo,

Thanks very much for this tutorial. I’m running into one issue I’m hoping you might be able to help me with:

Everything works great if I embed an area in a Concrete5 template and then add the autonav block to it. However, I’d like to embed the block directly in my header template (without creating an area that the nav can be added to / removed from). When I do this, the dropdown effect stops working (also, though less importantly, the little downward-pointing arrow graphic normally displayed with each top-level menu item disappears). The CSS styling (background & border colors, font size, etc.) is still there.

I’m somewhat of a newbie to web development so there could be something simple I’m missing, but I’m having trouble figuring out a fix. Any pointers would be appreciated.


I meant to include the code I’m using to embed the block:

$autonav = BlockType::getByHandle(‘autonav’);
$autonav->controller->orderBy = ‘display_asc’;
$autonav->controller->displayPages = ‘top’;
$autonav->controller->displaySubPages = ‘all’;
$autonav->controller->displaySubPageLevels = ‘custom’;
$autonav->controller->divSubPageLevelsNum = ‘1’;

Hi Maggie,

I’m making some assumptions but this theory would work:

Every block or template in concrete5 can have one or several JavaScript / CSS files. Since these files should be included within the head tag of the document, concrete5 looks for them before the actual block content is rendered.

How does concrete5 look for these blocks? Since everything is database based, it searches for all blocks on the page to be rendered using an SQL query, which then adds the .js and .css files.

However, when you use the code above, which I partially described here: http://www.codeblog.ch/2009/04/concrete5-blocks-within-templates/, concrete5 doesn’t know what blocks will be on that page and can’t include the necessary .js and .css files.

What does this mean? I’d start by looking at all .css and .js files in your block (or template) and add them manually to your theme. As far as I know, there’s currently no way concrete5 could detect them and thus no way around that hard coded part in your theme.

Can you please try that? If it doesn’t work – a link to your website would be helpful!


Thanks for the quick reply, Remo!

Unfortunately, the site is in development and I don’t have it uploaded anywhere yet, but I’ll do my best to explain what I’m seeing.

I viewed the source for one of the pages in the site and it looks like the block’s JS & CSS files are getting included in the head section, so that seems ok. I thought maybe some other JS I inserted might be conflicting with that which Sooperfish depends on, so I stripped all of that out, but still no luck. Finally I did a diff of the HTML generated in each of the two cases (I probably should have started there), and noticed this:

When I use the code above to embed the autonav block directly in the template, the sub-pages aren’t printed in the list that’s generated. If I instead add an area to the template, then add the autonav block and configure the same settings via the UI, the sub-pages are printed.

Looking into this even further I found the problem seems to be with setting displaySubPageLevels = ‘custom’ (followed by divSubPageLevelsNum = ‘1’, as I only want to display the top level-pages and one level below). As I mentioned, this works fine when I use the UI to add the block to an area and configure these settings, but doesn’t work when I embed it directly (setting displaySubPageLevels = ‘all’ in the code does work). Puzzling, because ‘custom’ seems to be the same value set via the UI…



Thanks, this was very helpful. However I’m new to website design and my menu doesn’t have the size I want… 🙂
Can you help ? I want to have the menu width to be 100% and all the main menu items to be equal size. How can I do that (with a sooperfish for dummies style please 🙂 ?

This tutorial has been written using v5.5, I just tested it again and it works fine but please go ahead and buy the commercial add-on! I don’t mind not to have such nice people on my blog who post such really nice comments to motivate me to write and publish more fresh stuff.

I decided to add hoverIntent to this. Found great how-to on Stack Overflow for this at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3574001/adding-hoverintent-to-jquery-dropdown

All that is needed is to download the hoverIntent JS file at http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html and then use “jquery.sooperfish.js” instead of the minified version. Change [code]$(‘li’, this).unbind().hover(showSooperfishUl, hideSooperfishUl);[/code] to

$(‘li’, this).unbind().hoverIntent({
over: showSooperfishUl,
timeout: 200,
out: hideSooperfishUl,
sensitivity: 3,
interval: 200

I think most drop down menus should work as long as it is possible to click on the top level item. SooperFish works fine on all my mobile devices!
But nonetheless I wouldn’t recommend using this if your focus is on mobile devices, drop down menus aren’t very common for touch interfaces.

at first, thank you very mutch remo ! great work !

I have only one problem: after putting in the sooperfish navigation my edit menu got at the top of the browser got lost. I don’t know why ? i use the version 5.5.1

Thanks a lot for ur answers!

greez tuna

Hello, Great plugin.
One question!
I would like select the active menu.

i put in sooperfish-theme-black.css
in line 31-35 i add a line. (ul#nav .nav-selected)

ul#nav .nav-selected
,ul#nav li a:hover
,ul#nav li a:focus {

So now, when I press some page, this menu is selected!

The problem is that if I select a submenu page, only show selected this page, and I would like to show the page and the menu.
*for example:


I would like that when i press in dog, select dog and Animals!!!

Any idea??

Have a look at the markup generated by the template, there’s usually nav-path or nav-path-selected. I always recommend to use a tool like FireBug, you know about it?

Simply install it and inspect the element you want to style and you’ll see the CSS classes assigned to it, make web development a lot easier!

Remo, you are a gentleman! Works great, much better than the example in the only concrete5 book there is to buy (which doesn’t seem to work at all…). Comments from Tom above are a disgrace. You supplied something that everyone else seemed to get to work, completely free of charge and in your own valuable time. Guys like that will never amount to much.

Thanks so much, you’ve got me right out of a hole!

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it! However, there’s one thing I have to tell you: I wrote that book 😉 I’m aware that the lightbox example doesn’t work but there should be an errata in the book about it. If there’s anything else which doesn’t work, please send me as many details as possible – the code you have, a copy of the error message and I’ll look into it!

Hi Eric, there are several options for this but only one I can think of without creating a new autonav template or modifying the SooperFish scripts. It doesn’t exactly do what you wrote, instead if links to the first sub page. In your case, clicking on “About” would navigate to “Our Team”, you basically have two links with a different text but the same target.

If that’s okay as well, check the message by jordanlev on this page: http://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/usage/auto-nav-options/ You have to create a new attribute and tell the “About” page to link to the first child. I think it should be pretty clear what you writes..

I could give you a few hints to make the parent links non-clickable but that’s only going to work if you know a bit about PHP and the concrete5 framework.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Bryan! SooperFish supports a bunch of options, the documentation is badly formatted, it’s probably easier if you look at this page: https://github.com/jjroelofs/jQuery-SooperFish/blob/master/example-advanced.html

I haven’t tried it, but you could try to use this instead of the JavaScript shown in the article:

        speedShow:     400,
        speedHide:     100

Any reason why I’m getting this error in my console?

TypeError: ‘undefined’ is not a function (evaluating ‘$(‘.sf-menu’).sooperfish({
delay: 50,
speedShow: 50,
speedHide: 50

I have the following in my view.js…

$(document).ready(function() {
delay: 50,
speedShow: 50,
speedHide: 50

There are a number of reasons why this can happen. It might be because you’re using another library (mootools) im combination with jQuery.

This could be fixed by using jQuery instead of $ to access the jQuery methods. Wrap it in something like this:

(function ($) {

Most likely it’s because there’s a missing library or one that’s interfering with jQuery. I’d start by wrapping, removing and then adding some JavaScript libraries. If you get closer to the problem, I could probably give you a more precise answer as well!

Hmm.. view.js is necessary because this file is responsible for the SooperFish initialization. If it still works you probably have another JavaScript on that side..
Are there any other JavaScripts? Maybe from different add-ons? Can you remove them to see if anything causes the problem?

Bryan, I had a look at the link you’ve sent me. The drop down still works in your case because the sooperfish.css does have some basic drop down functionality for modern browsers in it. You won’t get any kind of animation which you’d get by using the JavaScript, but it still works.

I also noticed, that you’re including jQuery twice. Once in the head and once at the bottom of your document. I highly recommend to avoid this! This could also cause some unexpected effect like you where having with the SooperFish JavaScript.

Please check your theme and remove all unnecessary includes and see if your problems goes away.


Great tutorial, thanks. I am a newb at both concrete5 and development, design, etc. I have followed the instructions carefully and now my top level pages all have errors or like my home page, display the layout incorrectly.

When I try to get my js files from the directories, I receive an error and they will not open.

Apologies if you have already covered this and I overlooked it but any assistance would be appreciated.

Love the drop down menu by the way, it’s absolutely necessary for what my site provides.

Thanks for the prompt response. I would be happy to upload you a screenshot of the error.

1. jquery.easing-sooper.js
(jquery is undefined)

2. jquery.sooperfish.min.js
(‘$’ undefined)

3. view.js
(‘document’ undefined)

Some of the pages the menu works but the layout is way off. Others are fine. I’m sure I am missing something but appreciate your assistance.

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